Thursday, September 18, 2014

AP Overkill

By now, the news of the charges against Adrian Peterson isn't new. The 2012 NFL MVP has now voluntarily gone on the Vikings exempt list while he handles things with his ongoing child abuse case. This status bars him from all team activities. But I believe one main source is the reason Peterson ultimately had to make this choice: the media.
First of all, I personally feel that one thing we can't do is begin to think we are so important that we can now tell people the "right way" to discipline their children. We are a product of our past. If Peterson feels the best way to discipline his children is through corporal punishment, that is not for any of the public to deem "wrong".
In the same token, a company's brand and image is one of its most valuable assets. Having a player indicted on charges on child neglect and abuse charges, especially after losing a son to abuse last year, isn't a good look for his team or league. The timing couldn't have been worse with all of the other open violent cases in the NFL that unfolded at the same time.Still, I believe Peterson took an unfair hit which frankly came as a result of bad timing.
Whether one agrees with his discipline style or not is neither here nor there. But being caught up in the middle of domestic violence crimes committed my several other players in the league painted Peterson in an uneven light. He was judged and prosectuted by much of America for doing what he has to do as a parent: make decisions. He was grouped with men who committed for more henious acts that he did.
I'm not saying Peterson's situation shouldn't be looked into, but I think the media's coverage and grouping of the case wasn't fair to him and in turn forged conclusions in the public's mind. As a member of the media, I know how powerful our influence can be. That is why I always encourgae the public to find out the truth in all reports and assess it independently. Don't let the news coverage dictate how big of a deal you think it is.
We've beat the Adrian Peterson situation almost to death (no pun intended). Let's let it rest

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